Okay, so there's this girl I'm completely in love with. From the moment we met I swear I could feel the wind of God blowing in the room. She makes me smile, she makes me cry (tears of happiness). Yes, sometimes she gets on my nerves but the love I have for her always over rules. She's so smart and lovable it's hard NOT to passionately be inspired by her lively personality. Her name is Khori.
This girl just happens to be my daughter. She's 3 years and 5 months. Our relationship is kind of weird, considering most of her life I've been traveling around the country for extensive amounts of times. When we ARE together - we kick it. We learn. We laugh. We enjoy each-other's company. I can't spend a day without thanking God to have such a role as her dad. BIG responsibility. However, I know my heart is big enough for it.
No matter what city I'm in - home will always be with her. For I know that the spirit of God will always keep her warm and safe, the dad inside of me always wants to protect and provide for this small bunch of joy.
I recently rekindled my relationship with God. It's the most pure, intimate relationship I've ever been in. I prayed and asked my Lord to guide me towards peace, as I do his will and serve his Holy Spirit. Remarkably he is guiding me to be even closer to my little angle. This is my greatest testimony happening right now before my eyes. To God be the glory. By simply being obedient he's giving me all I could ask for.
I usually don't blog about personal events in my life. But this particular one is so groundbreaking, it's bring tears to my eyes as I write. God forgives. God answers prayers. God reunites. And his name shall live forever and ever.
- Tevin "JiZoo" Rice
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